Event: Help Me Heal! How Wraparound Housing and Community Structures Aid Healing – October 28, 2021

Interfaith Housing invites you to a workshop exploring the Wraparound and COSA models of community care. These approaches create a circle of people around a person (with both professional and natural community members) to support them in addressing major obstacles they face. Wraparound structures are showing success all across the country in supporting vulnerable peopleContinue reading “Event: Help Me Heal! How Wraparound Housing and Community Structures Aid Healing – October 28, 2021”

PSH Feature: Iris Court; Schizophrenia Society of Alberta

“Imagine a radio playing in your head, and it never shuts off.” “Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects 300,000 Canadians.    …Interfering with a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others, schizophrenia impairs a person’s ability to function to their potential when it is not treated. Unfortunately, noContinue reading “PSH Feature: Iris Court; Schizophrenia Society of Alberta”

What We Did Together at Plenary

CRIHI’s plenary gathering on November 28, 2017 was of critical importance for us as a movement.  New changes and announcements were taking place in Edmonton and even across the country.  So it seemed appropriate for us as faith communities to take a good look at what we have done, what we are doing, and whatContinue reading “What We Did Together at Plenary”

CRIHI’s Presentation to City Council Executive, September 5, 2017

Greetings from the Capital Region Interfaith Housing Initiative.  It is a pleasure to be here with you in declaring our firm support for this recent update to Edmonton’s plan to end homelessness. The Interfaith Housing Initiative began eight years ago as Edmonton began this work with A Place to Call Home; the ten year plan. Continue reading “CRIHI’s Presentation to City Council Executive, September 5, 2017”

Ministry Profile: St. Patrick’s Anglican Church

Several years ago, St. Patrick’s Anglican Church began exploring a way to minister to their community.  Today, they’re doing it!  Come join us as we learn from their story. In 2014, the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton began a campaign called REACH targeted to encouraging and supporting mission and outreach efforts in their parishes.  The campaign raised funds targetedContinue reading “Ministry Profile: St. Patrick’s Anglican Church”

A Journey Together in Grief, Healing and Hope

About thirty of us filled the community room at the Edmonton Native Healing Centre on July 6, 2017 for this event created as a collaboration between Interfaith Housing Initiative and End Poverty Edmonton. Guests for the event came from a host of different faith backgrounds including Jewish, Quaker, Catholic, Anglican, Christian Reformed, Methodist, Unitarian, United, Presbyterian,Continue reading “A Journey Together in Grief, Healing and Hope”

Protocol is Important in the Indigenous Community

We always have dignitaries at pow wows,’ Said the M.C.  Then he proceeded to introduce one. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, Kerry Diotte (this is how it was spelled on his agenda). ‘Looking around he said, “Where is she?”  Someone quickly said, ‘He’, it’s a he.’ Then the MC was embarrassed and not just a little.  AsContinue reading “Protocol is Important in the Indigenous Community”

A Journey Together in Grief, Healing and Hope – July 6, 2017

This year the World Indigenous Games are coming to Edmonton on July 2-9, 2017. To align with this event, Edmonton’s Interfaith Housing Initiative and End Poverty, along with partners from the aboriginal community are organizing a gathering with faith leaders, new immigrant community leaders, and members of the aboriginal community. We hope to build bridgesContinue reading “A Journey Together in Grief, Healing and Hope – July 6, 2017”

Brander Gardens ROCKS!

…and so do the many partners (including local faith communities) who have come together to make it possible!     Going to school in a more affluent neighbourhood can be a tough challenge for kids who are from low income families or are new to Canada.  They watch their classmates regularly head off to Mexico for vacations. Continue reading “Brander Gardens ROCKS!”

See Inside: The First Place Housing Program

The rising cost of a starter home, tighter mortgage rules, and a slower growth in personal incomes means that more and more people are having a hard time crossing the threshold into home ownership. The challenge is particularly pronounced for young people and families in entry level jobs, or those who may be carrying studentContinue reading “See Inside: The First Place Housing Program”